A Green Journey Towards a Cleaner World.

Tic Bio Tech | Bio Septic Tank
Tic Bio Tech | Bio Septic Tank

Bio Septic Tank

Generally, waste is classified as Biodegradable & Non-Biodegradable. As we know septic tank waste are Biodegradable Have us ever thought, why these wastes are not biodegradable by time or the hazards that may result in ground water pollution?
Stagnation of these septic tank waste emits carbon monoxide, Nitrogen and methane which result in ground water pollution.

Stagnation of waste can be decomposed by using aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and non- pathogenic bacteria culture selected for their ability to liquify and digest waste.

In Storage tank the formula is capable of breaking down Proteins, Starches, Fats, Grease Carbohydrates and certain cellulose. This biological process necessary to remove accumulated organic matters from storage tank and drain field which naturally eliminates embarrassing odox and mosquito eggs.

After the degradation, the resultant water reached Evaporation tank. This tanks measures about 4′ x 3′ and 3′ x 3′ the count of this tank depends on number of persons using it. In Evaporation tank, because of compression of carbon dioxide, the temperature of earth is raised so that the amount of the water vapourised and the remaining water reaches ground level. Our bio septic tank eco-friendly, Cost effective and wise solution for all types of Kitchens and soak pit.

The main advantage of Bio Septic Tank is prevention of the spread of the disease through communities and the prevention of pollution and maintaining ground water in a healthy and ecologically sound condition.

The waste can be degraded as water (H2O) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) and it prevents formation of harmful gases like Sulphur Dioxide, Methane, Carbon monoxide etc., these provide safety to home and environment. The first (Degradation) tank measures about 5′ x 3′ the count of this tank depends on number of persons using it.

After the degradation, the resultant water reached Evaporation tank. This tanks measures about 4′ x 3′ and 3′ x 3′ the count of this tank depends on number of persons using it. In Evaporation tank, because of compression of carbon dioxide, the temperature of earth is raised so that the amount of the water vapourised and the remaining water reaches ground level. Our bio septic tank eco-friendly, Cost effective and wise solution for all types of Kitchens and soak pit.

The main advantage of Bio Septic Tank is prevention of the spread of the disease through communities and the prevention of pollution and maintaining ground water in a healthy and ecologically sound condition.

Poisonous emission No Possibility to waste.
Frequent cleaning required. Stagnation No Poisonous emissions.
Hazardous to Environment. Frequent cleaning not required. (Permanent solution)
BOD & COD level may not match with circumferences. Eco-Friendly to Environment.
Creates bad Odours. (Stanch) Defined level of BOD & COD Ratio it matches with Circumference Stenches are not present.
Life threatening for Septic Tank cleaners. Manual cleaning not required.
Construction cost is high. Low cost.